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Referencing (KATU)

A guide to Harvard referencing system


In text: 
In an interview with Kelly (June 2010) the results of the project were detailed.
Personal communication, such as conversations, letters and personal email messages, are usually not included in a reference list.

White paper

In text: In the reference list:
According to The White Paper (Commission of the European Communities 1995).

Commission of the European Communities (1995) White paper on education and training: teaching and learning towards the learning society, Dublin: Stationary Office.

Author(s) name(s), initial(s). (year of publication) Title of Book: Subtitle
[if any], ed. [if not 1st edition], Place of Publication: Publisher.


In the reference list:

Rancière, J. (2010) Dissensus: on politics and aesthetics, translated by Corcoran, S, London : Continuum.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of Book, translated by translator’s name, initial(s)., Place of Publication: Publisher.

Thesis / dissertation

In text: In the reference list:
Byrne (2007) highlights the role of renewable energy in the Irish economy.

Byrne, C. (2007). Renewable energy: meeting Ireland’s future energy demands, unpublished dissertation (B.Sc), Limerick Institute of Technology.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of Thesis/dissertation,
unpublished thesis/dissertation (BSc, M.A., Phd, etc.), Institution to which the thesis was submitted.

The Bible

In text: 
These particular lines (Mt 22:37-39) demonstrate…
References to the Bible and to the Sacred Books of other religious traditions are not usually included in the bibliography. What do the numbers mean?
Sam. 14:1-6 refers to the text found in the first book of Samuel, chapter 14, verses 1 to 6. Mt 22: 37-39 refers to the text found in the book of Matthew, chapter 22, verses 37 to 39.


In text: In the reference list:
Éamon De Valera’s speech at the end of World War II emphasized Ireland’s role.. (De Valera 1945).

De Valera, E. (1945). Éamon de Valera replies to Winston Churchill on Irish Radio 1945, [speech] 16 May, Dublin, available: [accessed 28 February 2011].

Author name, initial(s). (year of speech) Title [or description where no title is available] of speech, [speech], speech date, Place, available: web address [accessed date].

Recordings- commercial audio

In text: In the reference list:
Maxfield's music… (Maxfield 1960).

Maxfield, R. (1960) Pastoral symphony, track 5 of An anthology of noise and electronic music, Sub Rosa.

Artist (year) Track Title, Track Number of Album Title, Label.

Radio/Television- Programme

In text: In the reference list:
This development was first muted on RTE’s The Frontline (21st February 2011)...

The Frontline (2011) RTE 1, 21 February, 10.25PM.

Programme Title (year) Name of Channel, Date of transmission, time of transmission.

Radio/Television- interview or contribution

In text: In the reference list:
In an interview on RTE Radio 1 American politician Jesse Jackson said…

Jackson, J. (2011) Interview on The John Murray Show [radio] RTE Radio 1, 17 February 2011, 10:15AM.

Contributor name, initial(s). (year) Interview on Title of Programme [format], Name of Channel, Date of transmission, time of transmission.

Lecture notes (print)

In text: In the reference list:
Kelly (2011) highlighted the role solar energy resources plays in...

Kelly, J. (2011) Solar energy, BA4747: Renewable Energy Technology 1, 11 February, Limerick Institute of Technology, unpublished.

Author(s)/Tutor(s) name, initial(s) (year) Title of lecture, Module Code: Module Title, date, Institution, unpublished.

Annual report

In text: In the reference list:
Galway County Council has thirty members (Councilors), who are elected from five local electoral areas (Galway County Council 2008).

Galway County Council (2009) Galway County Council: annual report 2008, Galway: Galway County Council.

Company name, (year of publication) Title of Annual report, Place of Publication: Publisher.

Green paper

In text: In the reference list:
This Green Paper foresees a sustainable energy future for Ireland (Dept. of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (2006).

Dept. of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. (2006) Green paper: towards a sustainable energy future for Ireland, Dublin : Stationary Office.

Author(s) name(s), initial(s). (year of publication) Title of Book: Subtitle
[if any], ed. [if not 1st edition], Place of Publication: Publisher.


In text: In the reference list:
The film Inception (Nolan 2010) depicts the secret for extracting valuable commercial information from the unconscious mind of its targets while they are asleep and dreaming.

Nolan, C. (2010) Inception, [Motion Picture] New York N.Y.: Warner Bros.

Director name, initial(s). (year of distribution) Title of Film [format], Place of Distribution: Distribution Company.

Encyclopaedia (Online)

In text: In the reference list:
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (2019) ‘the IMF was established towards the end of World War II, based on a modified form of the gold standard…’

Encyclopaedia Britannica (2019) Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.., available: [accessed 17 February 2011].

Name of Encyclopaedia. (year of publication), Place of Publication: Publisher, available: [accessed].


In text: In the reference list:
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (2010, p. 956) ‘the IMF was established towards the end of World War II, based on a modified form of the gold standard…’

Encyclopaedia Britannica (2010) Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.

Name of Encyclopaedia. (year of publication), Place of Publication: Publisher.


In text: In the reference list:
Similarly in The Silence of the Lambs (Demme 1990)...

Demme, J. (1990) The Silence of the Lambs [DVD] Beverly Hills : Orien Pictures.

Director name, initial(s). (year of distribution) Title of Film [format], Place of Distribution: Distribution Company.

Dictionary (example of a book with no author-reference work)

In text: In the reference list:
According to the Oxford English Dictionary (2005, p. 1491) ‘renewable’ means capable of being renewed”.

Oxford English Dictionary (2005), Renewable 2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Title of Work (year of publication) ed. [if not first edition], Place of Publication: Publisher.

Conference paper

In text: In the reference list:
(Connolly & Moran 2008) Connolly, L. and Moran, B. (2008) Financial performance of organic farming, in Clavin, D. ed. Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Tullamore, County Offaly 2nd December 2008, Dublin: Teagasc, p. 99.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of the contribution/paper, in Name(s) of Editor(s) or Chair(s) of the Conference, ed.(s) [or chair(s)], Title of the Conference Proceedings, Place and date of conference, Place of Publication: Publisher, page numbers.


Atlas (without an author)

In text: In the reference list:
The Atlas of ancient Egypt (1980) locates the Pyramids of Giza at…

Atlas of ancient Egypt (1980), Oxford: Phaidon.

Title of Atlas (year of publication) Subtitle [if any], ed. [if not 1st edition], Place of Publication: Publisher.

Atlas (with an author)

In text: In the reference list:
Baines & Malek (1980) locate the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt at…

Baines, J. and Malek, J. (1980) Atlas of ancient Egypt, Oxford : Phaidon.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of Atlas: Subtitle [if any], ed. [if not 1st edition], Place of Publication: Publisher.

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