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Referencing (KATU)

A guide to Harvard referencing system


In text: In the reference list:
Boulding (2010) asks ‘what incentives are needed for society and governments to truly start taking the need for alternative energy sources seriously’.

Boulding, K.E. (2010) The end of cheap oil and gas, The Renewable Energy Blog [online], November 6, available: [accessed 10 February 2011].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Subject of message, Blog Title [online], date of posting, available: web address [accessed date].

Course material on a VLE e.g. Moodle

In text: In the reference list:
Illegal dumping of waste is a key factor in… (Smith 2010).

Smith, F. (2010) Environment lecture notes, Module: LIT 7456, Environment 1 [online] available: [accessed 11 February 2011].

Author(s)/Tutor(s) name, initial(s). (year) Title of item, Module Code: Module Title [online], available: web address [accessed date].

Electronic discussion lists

In text: In the reference list:
According to Daly (2010)….

Daly, M. (2010) Re: Teaching physics in national schools, Physics Teaching News and Comment (PTNC) [online] 12 February, [Accessed 12 Feb 2010].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of message, Title of Discussion Board or Forum [online], date of message, available: web address [accessed date].


In text: 
O Shea (2008) indicated …
An email is not a public source of information hence it should not be listed in your bibliography but you may refer to its contents in the body of your text citing the details.


In the reference list:

O’ Callaghan, T. (2011) How to reference using Harvard [Facebook], 11th March. available: [accessed 12 March 2011].

Author(s) (Year) Title of page. [Title of web site], Day/month of posted message. available: web address. [Date accessed].

Image on the web

In text: In the reference list:
If one looks at Bathing Quality Water Map of Ireland (Environmental Protection Agency 2009)...

Environmental Protection Agency (2009) Bathing Water Quality Map of Ireland [image online], available: [accessed 03 March 2011].

Owner of website (year of publication) Title of Image [image online], available: web address [accessed date].

Podcast (TV programme)

In text: In the reference list:
As described by Keane (2011) the Norman invasion would lead to one of the longest conquests in human history.

RTE 1 (2011) Programme two: the age of conquest, The story of Ireland [podcast], 22 February, available: [accessed 28 February 2011].

Broadcaster (year) Programme title, Series Title [podcast], date of
transmission, available: web address [accessed date].


In text: In the reference list:
American President Barack Obama (Obama 2009) said…

Obama, B. (2009 July 15). Launched American Graduation Initiative to help additional 5 mill. Americans graduate college by 2020, available [Twitter]: [Twitter post]. Retrieved from: [accessed 16 February 2011].

Twitter name (year and date) Title of Tweet, available: [Twitter post]. Retrieved from: web address [accessed date].

Web page

In text: In the reference list:
The Environmental Protection Agency (2010) maintain that the 'quality of Ireland's environment is generally good though it has been under increasing pressure over the last decade’.

Environmental Protection Agency (2010) Environment in focus [online], available: [accessed 17 February 2011].

Owner of webpage (year of publication) Title [online], available: web address [accessed date].


In text: In the reference list:
Methane is is about ‘20 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide’ (O Connor 2008).

O Connor, S. (2008) Global warming, available: [accessed 18-2-2011 19:55].

Name of wiki or Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Subject of page, available: web address [accessed date and time].

You Tube

In text: In the reference list:
RTE (2011) define the term ‘tally’ as…

RTE (2011) RTE election 2011- what is a tally?, RTE videos [video online], available: [accessed 28 February 2011].

Screen name of contributor (year) Video Title, Series Title [video online], available: web address [accessed date].

The DIREKT Project Online Information Literacy (IL) Module Platform