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Referencing (KSU)

A guide to Harvard referencing system

Journal article from an electronic database

In text: In the reference list:
Limited fossil resources and severe environmental problems ‘require new sustainable electricity generation options’ (Zhao 2008, p. 3).

Zhao, J. (2008) Prospect of concentrating solar power in China: the sustainable future, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12 (9) pp. 2505-2514, available: Science Direct [accessed 14 February 2011].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Journal, Volume(Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], page number(s) [if applicable], available:name of database [accessed date].

Journal article from a website

In text: In the reference list:
Although the future looks good for nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, ‘many health care professionals worry about the future of the nuclear medicine profession’ (Delebeke & Segall 2010, p. 1).

Delbeke, D. and Segall, G. (2010) We can’t control the future, but we can plan for it, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 52 (11) available: at [accessed 14 February 2011].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Journal, Volume(Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], available: web address [accessed date].

Journal article from course materials on a VLE

In text: In the reference list:
Limited fossil resources and severe environmental problems ‘require new sustainable electricity generation options’ (Zhao 2008, p. 3).

Zhao, J. (2008) Prospect of concentrating solar power in China: the sustainable future, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12 (9) pp. 2505-2514, available: Moodle, [Accessed 17 February 2011].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Journal, Volume(Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], available: Name of VLE, [accessed date].

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