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Referencing (KSU)

A guide to Harvard referencing system

Hard copy journal articles - one or more authors

In text: In the reference list:
Some wind skeptics have posed a question about the direct-drive turbines now emerging from the labs (Teschler 2010).

Teschler, L. (2010) How much power does it take to run a wind turbine, Machine Design, 82 (13), p. 8-14.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Journal, Volume(Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], page number(s).

Hard copy journal articles - no author

In text: In the reference list:
The competitiveness of solar power has been…. (Cost analysis of solar chimney power plants 2009)...

Cost analysis of solar chimney power plants (2009), Solar Energy, 82 (3) pp. 88-111.

Title of article, (year of publication) Title of Journal, Volume (Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], page number(s).

Hard copy journal articles - magazine

In text: In the reference list:
According to White (2010, p. 22) ‘many hauliers will testify that, while technology can solve an existing problem, it often creates a new and improved problem’.

White, P. (2010) Driver training, Fleet Transport, February 2011 pp. 22-23.

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Magazine, Volume (Issue number), [or] date/month of publication [in the absence of volume and issue], page number(s).

Hard copy journal articles - electronic magazine

In text: In the reference list:
Wilson (2010) notes that ‘the explosion of interest in carrier Ethernet seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind these days’.

Wilson, R. (2010) Vitesse zeros in on carrier Ethernet switch needs, EDN: The Design Magazine of the Electronics Construction Industry, available: [accessed 28 January 2011].

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of article, Title of Magazine, available: web address [accessed date].

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