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Library Glossary A-Z (KazNU): Resources

Common terms, acronyms, and phrases used by libraries and librarians.

ALA resources

This alphabetical listing of library acronyms and initialisms includes:

  • ALA unit, division, office, roundtable and committee acronyms and initialisms
  • ALA unit publications known by acronyms
  • Acronyms for other library and related organizations
  • Abbreviations commonly used in library literature (e.g. AACR)

"Library-Related Acronyms and Initialisms", American Library Association, November 16, 2012. (Accessed June 28, 2018) Document ID: bed45fea-fb59-a6c4-b5f2-c4e733c74bfe

Dewey Decimal Classification glossary

Online dictionary

More of Library Glossary

  • Glossary of Library Terms, from Tools for Trustees: The Georgia Public Library Trustee Manual. (Several state library trustees manuals have glossaries, which may have different, state-specific terms defined.)
  • Multilingual Glossary database is a professionally generated signage tool designed for libraries by the Library of New South Wales. It contains common library phrases in 49 languages.
  • Multilingual Glossary of Terms, compiled by members of the Instruction for Diverse Populations Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section, with both a six-language table and a set of definitions.
  • OCLC Glossary, a selection of commonly used terms from OCLC product/service glossaries. Many of the OCLC product/services support separate glossaries with context-specific information.

Library Glossary A-Z (common terms, acronyms, and phrases used by libraries and librarians)

  • AACR2 (The second edition of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules): General rules for descriptive cataloging and access points.
  • Abstract: A summary or brief description of the content of another longer work. An abstract is often provided along with the citation to a work.
  • Access: In general, the availability of information; ability or privilege to obtain wanted materials such as books. Direct access allows one to go directly to the stacks for books or periodicals.
  • Acquisition: The process of selecting, ordering, and receiving materials for library or archival collections by purchase, exchange, or gift, which may include budgeting and negotiating with outside agencies, such as publishers, dealers, and vendors, to obtain resources to meet the needs of the public library users in the most economical and expeditious manner.
  • All rights reserved: A phrase printed in or on a published work, usually on the verso of the title page of a book, giving formal notice that all rights granted under existing copyright law are retained by the copyright holder and that legal action may be taken against infringement.
  • Almanac: A reference book, usually published annually, containing lists, charts and tables of useful factual and statistical information either on a wide variety of topics or a single subject.
  • Annotated Bibliography: A bibliography that includes a brief description of each article or book listed. The description should help the reader evaluate the content and usefulness of each item.
  • Annual: Serial published with annual chronological designation; may or may not actually be published once a year.
  • Anthology: A collection of works (poems, stories, articles) by various authors and collected in a single volume.
  • App: A self-contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose; an application, especially as downloaded by a user to a mobile device.
  • Archives: Public records or historical documents, or the place where such records and documents are kept.
  • Article: A brief work-generally between 1 and 35 pages in length - on a topic. Often published as part of a journal, magazine, or newspaper.
  • Ask a librarian: An electronic means of asking reference librarians questions concerning library materials unique to the libraries' collections or other library related information.
  • Atlas: An atlas is a collection of maps in book form.
  • Attachment: A separate file (e.g., text, spreadsheet, graphic, audio, video) sent with an email message.
  • Audiovisual: Information in a non-print format using both sight and sound, typically in the form of slides or video (DVD, Blue-Ray) and recorded speech or music. Also referred to as media.
  • Authentication: In online systems, the procedure for verifying the integrity of a transmitted message. Also, a security procedure designed to verify that the authorization code entered by a user to gain access to a network or system is valid. In SKL, it is user name, ID number and PIN.
  • Author: The person(s) or organization(s) that wrote or compiled a document. The author can be the writer of a book or article but also includes directors, painters, illustrators, directors or actors. Looking for information under its author's name is one option in searching.
  • Authority file: The computerized list of subject, series, and name headings used in the Online Catalog.
  • Autobiography: An account of a person's life written by that person 
  • Barcode: A small label of closely spaced bars that can be read by a computer. Barcodes on books and on IDs are used to charge out materials from the library.
  • Biennial: Issued every two years. Also refers to a serial publication issued every two years.
  • Bimonthly: Issued in alternate months (six times per year). Also refers to a serial issued every other month.
  • Biweekly: Issued every two weeks. Also refers to a serial issued at two-week intervals.
  • Bibliographic citation: A record for a bibliographic entity, which may be in any format (printed text, computer file, video recording, musical score, etc.)
  • Bibliography: A list containing citations to the resources used in writing a research paper or other document. See also Reference
  • Book: A relatively lengthy work, often on a single topic. May be print or electronic.
  • Book Review: An evaluation or discussion of a new book by a critic or journalist.
  • Boolean operator: A method of combining search terms by expressing the relationship of one concept to another generally using 'and', 'or', 'not'.
  • Borrowing privileges: The rights to which a library borrower is entitled, usually established by registering to receive a library card. Such privileges normally include the right to check out books and other materials from the circulating collection for a designated period of time, interlibrary loan use of special collections etc. They may be suspended if remain unpaid.
  • Broader term: In a hierarchical classification system a subject heading or descriptor that includes another term as a subclass, for example, "Libraries" listed as a broader term under "School libraries."
  • Browser: Internet browser, a new window for Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox.
  • Call number: A group of letters and/or numbers that identifies a specific item in a library and provides a way for organizing library holdings. The Library of Congress Classification System is used at Suna Kıraç Library. Also the Library of School of Health Sciences (SON) uses NLM (National Library of Medicine) call numbers.
  • Catalog: A list of items such as books, periodicals, maps and/or videos arranged in a defined order. The list usually records, describes and indexes the resources of a collection, a library or a group of libraries.
  • Catalog Record: Found in the library catalog, this includes all information on any given library item, including a description of the item, author, title, subject headings, notes, and the call number.
  • Check-in: To bring a borrowed item back to a library on due date or before the time. Check-in periods vary from library to library. Items are checked in through the Circulation/Reserve Desks or self-check machines.
  • Check-out: To borrow an item from a library for a fixed period of time in order to read, listen to, or view it. Check-out periods vary from library to library. Items are checked out through the Circulation/Reserve Desks or self-check machines.
  • Circulation: Activity centered in Circulation and Reserve Desks. 1. The lending of books (or other materials) to borrowers and the keeping of records of loans. 2. The total number of volumes lent during a given period of use outside the library.
  • Circulating vs. Non-circulating: Materials that can be borrowed by library users and taken out of the library are circulating items. Library materials, such as reference books and periodicals, which can be used by customers but not taken out of the library, are non-circulating items.
  • Citation: A note of reference to a work from which a passage is quoted, or to some source of authority for a statement.
  • Collection: This term may refer to the library's entire collection of materials, or to a group of library materials having a common characteristic, such as rare collection or reference collection.
  • Consortia (consortium): Formal organizations of two or more institutions which seek to attain specific goals through cooperation.
  • Copyright: The exclusive rights to publication, production or sale of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work as authorized by the legislation.
  • Course reserves: See Reserve materials
  • Daily: Issued on a daily basis, with the possible exception of Sundays. Also refers to a serial issued daily, especially a newspaper.
  • Database: A collection of data stored in a computer system in such a way that it may be retrieved by different means to form compilations for various purposes.
  • Descriptor: A word that describes the subject of an article or book; used in many computer databases.
  • Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC): One of the two main classification schemes in the world used to designate a logical, numerical location for a book, etc., on a library shelf between 000 and 999. So, any book located on the shelf is related in subject matter to the one on either side of it within its class. Some university libraries use Library of Congress Classification (LCC) which is an alphanumeric (letters and numbers) system, A-Z. 
  • Dictionary: A dictionary is a book of alphabetically listed words in a specific language, with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, and other information; or a book of alphabetically listed words in one language with their equivalents in another, also known as a lexicon.
  • Digital library: A library in which a significant proportion of the resources are available in machine-readable format (as opposed to print or microform), accessible by means of computers. The digital content may be locally held or accessed remotely via computer networks.
  • Directory: A list of people, companies, institutions, organizations, etc., in alphabetical or classified order, providing contact information (names, addresses, phone/fax numbers, etc.) and other pertinent details (affiliations, conferences, publications, membership, etc.) in brief format, often published serially (example: American Library Directory). In most libraries, current directories are shelved in the reference stacks.
  • Dissertation: An extended written treatment of a subject (like a book) submitted by a graduate student as a requirement for a doctorate. See also Thesis
  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier): DOIs are used to create permanent and stable URLs for publications which appear on the web. They help to reduce the number of dead links we may come across when browsing.
  • Document delivery: A service that retrieves or photocopies information sources for library users. Some libraries restrict document delivery services to distance education students, faculty members, or graduate students.
  • Due date: The date when borrowed library materials should be returned or renewed.
  • Encyclopedia: A work containing information on all branches of knowledge or treating comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge (such as history or chemistry). Often has entries or articles arranged alphabetically.
  • E-book: A version of a traditional print book designed to be read on a personal computer or an e-book reader (a software application for use on a standard-sized computer or a book-sized computer used solely as a reading device.
  • E-journal: A periodical that is available in an electronic or computerized form such as on the Web or on CD-ROM.
  • Edition: All copies of a work printed from one setting or type. A change in edition, such as a "new edition" or "second edition," would imply a revision of the work and a change in content.
  • Electronic reserve (or e-reserve): An electronic version of a course reserve that is read on a computer display screen. See also Reserve materials.
  • Electronic resource: Material consisting of data and/or computer program(s) encoded for reading and manipulation by a computer, by the use of a peripheral device directly connected to the computer, such as a CD-ROM drive or remotely via a network, such as the Internet. The category includes software applications, electronic texts, bibliographic databases, institutional repositories Web sites, e-books, collections of e-journals, etc.
  • Encyclopedia: General information source that provides articles on various branches of knowledge. Encyclopedias may be general or subject specific.
  • Endnote/ Footnote: A statement printed at the end of a chapter or book to explain a point in the text, indicate the basis of an assertion, or cite the source of a concept, idea, quotation, or piece of factual information. Like footnotes, endnotes are numbered, usually in superscript, and listed in the sequence in which they appear in the text.
  • EPUB: EPUB (short for electronic publication; sometimes styled ePub) is a free and open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Files have the extension .epub. EPUB is designed for reflowable content, meaning that an EPUB reader can optimize text for a particular display device.
  • Ereaders: Handheld devices on which electronic versions of books, newspapers, magazines, etc., can be read
  • Export: To pull data from a program (like a library catalog or research database) and save it into a data file.
  • Express Collection: A collection of library materials (specific books and videotapes, etc.) which are in great demand and customers cannot place hold on these materials. These materials are kept in a certain area in the library to use which assures access to all customers who might need the materials.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Method used for transferring electronic files from one computer to another.
  • Fiction: Literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
  • Filters: In database searching, filters work like limits to a search, but are used to narrow a results list by specifying ranges (like dates) or types of data (journal, book, newspaper) to include or exclude.
  • Fine: The amount of money which is owed by the borrower if library material is not returned when the book is recalled by the library.
  • Format: The physical form in which information appears.
  • Fulltext: An electronic resource that provides the entire text of a single work (example: Britannica Online) or of articles published in one or more journals, magazines, and/or newspapers.
  • Grace period: An established period of time subsequent to the due date during which a library borrower may return items to the library without incurring a fine.
  • Grouping (searching): Keeps like terms or synonyms together so the database searches them (the grouped terms) as if they were just one term. Use parentheses "()" to group search terms together, especially in Boolean searches, using OR. (female OR woman)
  • Handbooks: General information source providing quick reference on a given subject. Handbooks may be general or subject specific.
  • Hand out: A printed sheet or group of sheets, usually stapled together at one corner, intended for distribution during an oral presentation or instruction session to give the attendees a record of content covered (summary, outline, hard copy of PowerPoint slides, etc.) or to provide supplementary or complementary information (supporting data, examples, suggestions for further reading, contact information, etc.).
  • Hands on: A library instruction session or one-on-one reference transaction in which the student or user has the opportunity to practice, usually at a computer workstation, research techniques demonstrated by the instructor or reference librarian, often more effective than lecture-style instruction.
  • Hard cover/ Hardback: A cloth or buckram bound volume.
  • Hits: Refers to items retrieved from a database matching criteria you set. For example, if you do a keyword title search in the online catalog for "social care in Ireland" and retrieve 1568 items, that can also be called 1568 'hits.'
  • Hold: A request by a user to a library that a material checked out to another person be saved for that user when it is returned. “Holds” can generally be placed on any regularly circulating library materials through an in-person or online.
  • Holdings: All the materials, in various formats, owned by a library.

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The computer language used to create documents on the World Wide Web so that they are readable by web browsers.
  • Hyperlink: A synonym for both link and hypertext link. Users click on hyperlinks to access other documents on the web. Hyperlinks often appear in different colors, or underlined in a webpage.
  • ILL (Interlibrary Loan): The service that obtains materials from other libraries when an user needs items not available in the library system.
  • IM (Instant Messaging): An Internet-based service allowing real-time, text communication between two or more users. It is used in a library in order to meet user’s information needs as quickly as possible.
  • Imprint: Publication information about a work most often found at the bottom of the title page or on the verso. It usually contains the name and location of the publisher and when the book was published.
  • Index: A tool for finding citations, abstracts, or completes text; arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum (author, subject, or keyword).
  • Information: Data presented in readily comprehensible form to which meaning has been attributed within the context of its use. In a more dynamic sense, the message conveyed by the use of a medium of communication or expression.
  • Information literacy: Information literacy is knowing when and why we need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner.
  • In transit: If an item has been returned to the library, but has not been re-shelved in its call number location, the catalog will indicate the items status as “In Transit”. If users need “In Transit” items immediately, they may inquire at the Information Desk.
  • Irregular: The frequency of a serial publication issued at intervals of uneven length that follow no established or discernible rule.
  • ISBN (International Standard Book Number): A unique 10-digit code assigned to a specific edition of a book before it is published. Since 1 January 2007, International Standard Book Numbers have been of 13 digits.
  • ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): A unique 8-digit code assigned to the specific title of a serial.
  • Issue: One of a series published periodically.
  • Journal: Generally a more “scholarly” periodical than a magazine. Examples: Nature, Environmental Geology, American Journal of Health Behavior.
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): A standard for compressing still images in digital format at ratios of 100:1 and higher. Data compression is accomplished by dividing the image into small blocks of pixels, halved again and again until the desired ratio is reached.
  • Keyword: A significant or memorable word or term in the title, abstract, or text of an information resource that indicates its subject and is often used as a search term.
  • Keyword Searching: Uses natural language (you choose the words to use) and is a great place to start when you don’t know the subject, but you have to guess which words the author used in the document and the database will only find the documents that used the words that you searched. See Subject Searching.

  • Library use only: A circulation status code written on or affixed to a physical item in a library collection and entered in the item record in the catalog, indicating that it is available for use within the walls of the library but may not be checked out and removed from the premises except by special arrangement. The use of reference books, periodical indexes, and in some cases bound and/or unbound periodicals is generally restricted to the library. Use of items in special collections, such as rare books and manuscripts, may even be restricted to a designated room or area of the library (and other conditions of use)
  • Limiting: A feature of well-designed online catalog or bibliographic database software that allows the user to employ various parameters to restrict the retrieval of entries containing the terms included in the search statement.
  • Magazine: A periodical containing news, stories or articles on various subjects and written for general readership (as opposed to a scholarly or technical audience).
  • Manuscript: A handwritten or typed composition, rather than printed.
  • MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging): The basis of almost all automated cataloging systems; a standardized format for bibliographic description developed by the Library of Congress in the 1960's.
  • MeSH (Medical Subject Headings): A system of subject headings related to the medical fields. At the Library of School of Nursing, these subject headings are used.
  • Metasearch: A search for information using software designed to optimize retrieval by querying multiple web search engines and combining the results. The term is also used in the more general sense of one-search access to multiple electronic resources.
  • Monthly: Issued once a month (12 times per year) with the possible exception of one or two months, usually during the summer. Many magazines and some journals are published monthly (example Monthly Labor Review).
  • Multimedia: Any information resource that presents information using more than one media (print, picture, audio, or video).
  • Narrower term: In a hierarchical classification system, a subject heading or descriptor representing a subclass of a class indicated by another term, for example, "Music librarianship" under "Librarianship."
  • Newspaper: A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily.
  • Non-Fiction: Prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history.

  • Off campus access: Accessing databases through the library web site requiring authentication information as user name, ID number, and PIN, while the person is away from the campus.
  • OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog): . Computerized library catalog accessed via terminals or workstations. It has replaced the card catalog in university and larger public libraries. It is also referred to as "online catalog".
  • Oversize book/journal: A book/journal that, because of its large size, cannot stand on the regular shelves and are placed on other shelf or shelf units in the library.
  • PDF (Portable Document Format): A universal file format that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, pagination, and graphics of the source document. PDF files retain their original formatting and look like photographs of the original documents. Adobe Acrobat® Reader software installed on a computer to view or download a PDF file.
  • PIN (Personal Identification Number): An acronym for personal identification number, a code used in automated systems to identify authorized users. Whether the PIN is created by or issued to the user depends on the policy governing access to the system. The practice originated in the banking industry and is used in some libraries and library systems t o verify that a user is registered to use electronic resources restricted by icensing agreement, and other services to which the library prefers to restrict access.
  • Paperback: A book published in paper covers, rather than in hardcover, usually adhesive bound. Paperback editions are normally published after the hardcover edition of the same title and sold at a lower price, which has made them a staple of the retail market for fiction and nonfiction. Synonymous with paperbound and softcover. Abbreviated pb, pbk, and ppr.
  • Peer reviewed journal: Journal containing scholarly articles which have been reviewed by scholars whose expertise and stature are similar to the author’s.
  • Peer review process: Method used by scholarly journals to assure the quality and relevance of the articles they publish. When an article is submitted, the editor sends copies to several reviewers (or "referees") who are recognized experts in the subject of the article. Each reads the article and offers an opinion on whether it is worthy of publication in the journal, using such criteria as soundness of investigative method, whether the author shows adequate knowledge of research on the subject to date, and whether the articles adds to knowledge in the field. Only if the reviewers agree that it meets the relevant criteria will the article be published.
  • Permalink: A permanent static hyperlink to a particular web page or entry in a blog.
  • Periodical: See Serial
  • Phrase (Searching): By using “quotes” you are able to group words together in a sequence. “In the beginning”
  • Print: The written symbols of a language as portrayed on paper. Information sources may be either print or electronic.
  • Primary sources: An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation.
  • Publisher: A person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works for sale.

  • Quarterly: Issued four times a year. Also refers to a serial issued every three months, usually in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Most scholarly journals are published quarterly.
  • Rare Books: Books that are valued for the significance of their contents, their scarcity, their imprint or date of publication, their physical characteristics or condition, or their associations (signed or annotated by a famous author, for instance).
  • Recall: A request for the return of library material before the due date.
  • Refereed journal: See Peer reviewed journal
  • Reference: 1. A service that helps people find needed information. 2. Sometimes "reference" refers to reference collections, such as encyclopedias, indexes, handbooks, directories, etc. 3. A citation to a work is also known as a reference.
  • Reference librarian: Reference librarians are specialists in the field of information retrieval. Reference librarians work in public services answering questions posed by library users at the reference desk, by telephone, via e-mail, or through an online chat session. They also provide instruction on the use of library resources and information technology.
  • Remote access: See Off campus Access.
  • Renewal: A lengthening of the loan period for library materials.
  • Reserve materials: In academic libraries, materials given a shorter loan period (one-hour, three-hour, overnight, three-day, etc.) for a limited period of time (usually one term or semester) at the request of the instructor, to ensure that all the students enrolled in a course have an opportunity to use them. Items on closed reserve must be used on library premises.
  • RSS feeds: RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts
  • Scope: In libraries, the range of subjects or fields cover in a catalog, index, abstracting services, bibliographic database, reference work, etc.
  • Secondary sources: Materials such as books and journal articles that analyze primary sources. Secondary sources usually provide evaluation or interpretation of data or evidence found in original research or documents such as historical manuscripts or memoirs.
  • See also: A referral to an additional source of information often found in catalogs or glossaries. Example: Dog See also Canine.
  • Self-check machine: Bar-code reading machines for users to check out materials themselves, rather than checking materials out at the circulation desk. ID card and PIN are required to use this machine. A user is provided with a receipt indicating due dates.
  • Semiannual: I ssued at intervals of six months. Also refers to a serial issued every six months.
  • Semimonthly: Issued twice each month or every two weeks. Also refers to a serial issued twice a month, with the possible exception of certain issues. Synonymous with biweekly.
  • Serial: Publications such as journals, magazines and newspapers that are generally published multiple times per year, month, or week. Serials usually have number volumes and issues. The words journal, magazine, periodical, and serial may be used interchangeably.
  • Server: A host computer on a network, programmed to answer requests to download data or program files, received from client computers connected to the same network. Also refers to the software that makes serving clients possible over a network. Servers are classified by the functions they perform (application server, database server, fax server, file server, intranet server, mail server, proxy server, terminal server, web server, etc.).
  • Subject heading: The word or phrase used to describe the subject content of a material such as book, dvd etc, and a database or a catalog. Library of Congress Subject Headings are used at the Library.
  • Subject Searching: Searching for information by topic (as opposed to author, title or keyword). In library catalogs and databases, a subject search implies searching by the use of standardized subject headings assigned by the indexers as opposed to keyword searching.
  • Synonym: Synonym is a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase.
  • Thesaurus: When an index or database uses Controlled Vocabulary (a standardized word or phrase list), the thesaurus is an alphabetical listing of the terms currently in use. The thesaurus will also show relationships between terms such as synonymous or related terms, hierarchical arrangements (broader terms, narrower terms), and provide references from terms not currently in use to acceptable terms, including older words or phrases that are no longer used.
  • Thesis: Treatise prepared as part of an academic study leading to a higher degree. See also Dissertation.
  • Title: The name of a book, article, or other information source.
  • TOC (Table Of Contents): A list of chapter titles and other parts of a book, or of articles in a periodical, with references to pages where each listing begins. Also called “contents”.
  • Topic: The subject matter for research or discussion.
  • Triennial: Issued every three years.
  • Truncation: Truncation is a method of including all the possible ending forms of a word or replacing a letter/s within a word through the use of a symbol. Truncation symbols are sometimes referred to as a “wildcard” symbols.
  • Username: A permanent code that an authorized user must enter into a computer system to log on and gain access to its resources, usually consisting of the full name or surname plus the initial(s) of the given name(s) or plus one or more arabic numerals.
  • User ID: A number or name unique to a particular user of computerized resources. A user ID must often be entered in order to access library resources remotely.
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Uniform Resource Locator or web address. Usually in the form of http://host.subdomain.domain.
  • Volume: A number of issues of a periodical, usually a year.
  • Web site: A group of related, interlinked web pages installed on a web server and accessible 24 hours a day to Internet users equipped with browser software.
  • Weekly: Issued once a week. Also refers to a serial issued once a week. Most newsmagazines and some newspapers are published weekly.
  • Wild Card: A wild card allows for the substitution of a symbol (either *, ?, or !) for a letter in a word. With m?n you can retrieve both men and man.

  • Wireless: The name given to any electronic device that sends messages through space via electric or electromagnetic waves instead of via power cords.
  • Withdrawn: Items that are no longer in the library collection

  • WWW (World Wide Web): A network of information, as a part of the internet, that includes text, graphics, sounds, and moving images. Also know as the web or www or w3. It incorporates a variety of Internet tools into one method of access, such as the web browser Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox.
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language): A subset of the SGML markup language in which the tags define the kind of information contained in a data element (i.e., product number, price, etc.), rather than how it is displayed. "Extensible" means that XML tags are not limited and predefined as they are in HTML--they must be created and defined through document analysis by the person producing the electronic document. Designed to meet the needs of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is a flexible text format that can be used with HTML in the same Web page.
  • Zip drive/zip disk: Devices used in the creation of compressed (or “zipped”) electronic information.

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