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Cataloguing & Classification Standards (KATU): Training

British Library Cataloguing Training resources

British Library RDA NACO Training Programme

The British Library makes available all the RDA documentation developed for training its staff.

These Powerpoint presentations, with trainer’s notes, may be downloaded, and freely re-used or adapted under a Creative Commons CC-BY licence.

RDA Series Webinars

More Videos here

OCLC WebJunction training

Browse from OCLC's WebJunction Collection Management specific courses and webinar recordings. Available for free to all library workers and volunteers. Through the generous support of OCLC and many state library agencies across the US, WebJunction provides timely and relevant learning content for you to access anytime, from anywhere.
Note: new learners need to create an account

OCLC for Librarians

Dewey training courses

OCLC have developed an online set of training materials for the DDC focused on the needs of experienced librarians who need Dewey application training. We hope the materials will also be useful as supplementary materials in other Dewey training contexts, such as teaching Dewey to students in Library and Information Science programs. The materials include modules on general principles governing the operation of the DDC as well as modules on the structure and use of specific tables and main classes. All course materials are available at no charge.

Library of Congress - Catalogers Learning Workshop

  • Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) - Freely available cataloging and metadata training materials.
    CLW provides information professionals training resources related to the organization and classification of bibliographic information.
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings: Online Training - This online training on Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is being developed primarily to meet internal training needs of the Library of Congress, but it is being made freely available online as a service to the library community.

The DIREKT Project Online Information Literacy (IL) Module Platform