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Cataloguing & Classification Standards (KazNU): Resources

What is catalogue

The Purpose of the Catalogue is:

  • To enable a person to find a book of  which either the author, title or subject is known
  • To show what the library has by a given author, on a given subject, or in a given kind of literature
  • To assist in the choice of a book as to its edition or to its character (Rules for a Dictionary Catalog” Charles Ammi Cutter (1874)

A catalogue has two main functions:

  • The finding function - To enable a user to find a book with a known author, title or subject
  • The gathering function - To show what the library has by an author, on a subject or in a given kind of literature

According to the Statement of International Cataloging Principles:

  • Controlled access points should be provided for the authorized and variant forms of names
  • Controlled access points provide the consistency needed for collocating the bibliographic records for sets of resources (“Statement of International Cataloging Principles”(IFLA, 2009)


Re-used from British Library presentation, under a Creative Commons CC-BY licence

Cataloguing Standards

Cataloguers Network

Founded in 1980, OLAC is an organization for catalogers concerned with all types of nonprint materials, including a wide range of digital resources as well as more “traditional” formats: video and sound recordings, websites, maps, multimedia, graphic materials, and realia. Through conferences, workshops, publications, and the electronic discussion list, catalogers exchange information and enjoy expert and practical advice on cataloging audiovisual resources. OLAC became an ALA affiliate in 2008.

Subject cataloging

LoC for Librarians and Archivists

Cataloging and Acquisitions - The Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate provides acquisitions and bibliographic access services to the Library of Congress and leadership in bibliographic access collaborations and standards for the library and information service communities, nationally and internationally, and training and instructional design for the Library Services service unit of the Library of Congress.

Bibliographic Access - Cataloging staff are responsible for the description, subject analysis, and classification of books, serials, and a wide variety of special format materials collected by the Library of Congress.  Learn more about this.

The Dewey blog / RSS feed

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More resources on Cataloging and Metadata

The DIREKT Project Online Information Literacy (IL) Module Platform