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Scholarly Communication Toolkit (KATU): Copyright

Books on Copyright and Libraries

Copyright & Libraries

Libraries are creatures of the historical and statutory balance in copyright law. Libraries lend materials based on the First Sale doctrine. Libraries share materials and preserve works under specific provisions for libraries in the Act. Libraries are often the only entities that provide access to the vast majority of copyrighted works that lose market vitality long before the expiration of the copyrights, and are often the only entities that preserve public domain materials. Libraries enable users to access copyrighted and public domain works and to exercise their rights under the exceptions and limitations to creators' rights in the law. The creation of new intellectual property building on the old is stimulated as a result of the existence of libraries. Libraries are places where the public and the proprietary meet. The multiple roles of libraries as social organizations address the balance in the law, and are shaped by it.*

* From "Libraries as Creatures of Copyright: Why Librarians Care about Intellectual Property and Policy." Carol Henderson, American Library Association.

Copyright Law - Courses & Presentations for Librarians

  • Copyright for Libraries (Self Paced Course) - Developed by the Berkman Center and EIFL for librarians in developing and transitional countries, this multi-module course provides training on various copyright issues including public domain, permissions, and rights & exceptions.
  • Copyright in Higher Education Elements Resources (CHEER) - This repository, hosted by Clemson University, provides the building blocks that anyone can use to develop copyright education and awareness programming at their institution. Elements range from images and text to full presentations. Licensed for re-use, you can customize elements to best fit the copyright needs of your situation and audience.
  • CopyTalk Webinars - Series of webinars on a variety of copyright topics presented by the American Library Association Office of Information Technology Policy.

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