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Fake News and Information Literacy (KATU): Introduction

Content created by Victoria Mitchell, Knight Library, University of Oregon. Reused and adapted here with her kind permission.


While the amount of fake news these days seems to continue to grow, some may find it harder and harder to decipher what is true and what is not. As seen in the 2016 Presidential election in the USA, this lack of information literacy can have real world impact.
This guide is intended to provide you resources you can use to help you evaluate sources, whether its potential fake news or a source for a research paper.

Information Literacy

What is information literacy?

“Information literacy is the ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society.”  (CILIP, 2018). Essentially, this means that information literacy can be seen as how well we do with understanding and evaluating different types of sources, including the news, and how effectively we use that information.

How can information literacy help?

By improving your information literacy skills, you will be better equipped to identify fake news, as well as potential bias in regular news. This will help you be not only a smarter consumer of news, but hopefully a more informed citizen as well. These skills are applicable beyond reading news and will also come in handy when evaluating sources for your research.

This guide can help you learn more about information literacy, provides tools to help you evaluate news sources, and lists many other fact-checking resources.

How to Choose Your News

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